Advertising is not the answer to everything! We do however recognize that there are things that can be done without advertising. However, many things are impossible to take care of without advertising. The more marketing influences other marketing competitors, the greater its role becomes. The function of advertising is to gain measurable results. Advertising builds and creates an image and at the same time attempts to develop immediate sales while also attempting to collect consumer market information. Advertising must bring added value. It can be seen, for instance, in the turnaround and improvement of a company’s image. The turnaround of a company’s image adds strength in a competitive situation. In advertising, the target group is people not organizations.
A person makes decisions mostly based on emotions, which is why in advertising one needs to have emotion. Brands have already been built for chicken-poo, caretaker services and for garbage collection. Therefore, it is possible to build a brand for any product or service. The only durable starting point for advertising is in marketing strategy. In competitive situations, marketing will not succeed without strategy. Our goal and task is to make the product and service interesting, not the advertising. Weird or freaky creativeness is good, as long as it serves to benefit our clients.
Time draws us forward with great speed. When times change, values change too. Good advertising takes heed of these changes in consumer values. A thinker once said that winning doesn’t mean everything but the will to win does. The will to achieve something, the will to succeed, and the will to compete even with oneself means everything. One need to find ´will` from an advertising company.
One reason for using an advertising agency stands out above others, which is; It is considerably better to use the service of a professional than to do the work oneself and end up with poor quality advertising. Remember that all leading manufacturers, all our country’s leading businesses, their successful trademarks and their successful brands have been designed through some advertising company. Success does not come by copying others, but by making your own product interesting and distinguishable from others. For that, one needs an advertising agency. It is their profession.
A good advertising agency is your business partner and the developer of your thoughts. A good advertising agency is a master of creation and has the ability to skillfully fuse all the competitive weapons of marketing into their creation.
A good advertising agency will help your company to interact with your clients. The more you know about your client the better your success. An advertising agency must not build the advertising based on ‘I feel’. The company has to justify its decisions. Only justified decisions will carry you into the future.
Advertising and marketing:
This is to be advertising, so daring, so fresh, so engaging, so human, so believable and so well-focused as to themes and ideas, at one and the same time, it builds a quality reputation for the long haul as it produces sales for the immediate present. That’s what we are talking about.